Reuters lies about the Iran Nuclear Deal


By Christopher W. Holton

Carefully read the article linked below from Reuters and compare it to the horribly misleading headline.

Here’s the headline:

Iran’s Khamenei conditionally approves nuclear deal with powers

Now read this important passage from the article:

“Any comments suggesting the sanctions structure will remain in place or (new) sanctions will be imposed, at any level and under any pretext, would be (considered by Iran) a violation of the deal,” Khamenei said

Here is the truth that Reuters so desperately tried to conceal from the public. The reality is that there is NO nuclear deal with Iran because the two sides disagree completely on what the so-called “deal” includes:

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is the ONLY power that counts in the Islamic Republic of Iran, announced that Iran will only observe the nuclear deal with the West if it is given blanket immunity on its sponsorship of terrorism and human rights violations. Any sanctions, Khamenei declared, placed on Iran for any reason would violate the agreement and render it null and void.

This is actually encouraging since many US states plan on pushing forward with Iran divestment.

In a letter to President Hassan Rouhani, Khamenei wrote, “Any comments suggesting the sanctions structure will remain in place or [new] sanctions will be imposed, at any level and under any pretext, would be a violation of the JCPOA.”  This would include sanctions on Iran for its support for terrorism and human rights violations.

The Obama administration has insisted that the accord would only result in the lifting of nuclear-related sanctions, that other sanctions would remain in place, and that additional sanctions relating to Iran’s support for terror and human rights violations could be imposed on Iran.

This clearly demonstrates that there is in fact NO nuclear deal, no “agreement,” since the two sides can’t even agree on what is in the so-called agreement.

In August, President Obama said, “We will continue to have sanctions in place on Iran’s support for terrorism and violation of human rights.” In a hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in July, Secretary of State John Kerry assured Congress: “[W]e will not violate the JCPOA if we use our authorities to impose sanctions on Iran for terrorism, human rights, missiles or any other non-nuclear reason.”

What all this boils down to is that the Reuters headline is a lie…



As if to Prove it cannot be Trusted, Iran Tests a Ballistic Missile


By Christopher W. Holton

Iran tested its Emad ballistic missile this weekend in direct violation of UN resolutions prohibiting such activity.

If America had sane, competent leadership, this would immediately kill the horrible Iran nuclear deal, but because we have Barack Obama and John Kerry in charge, Iran’s latest violation of international law will go ignored as usual and America will rush headlong into the worst, most dangerous agreement in our nation’s history.

NOTE: Contrary to what the Reuters article linked below says, the Emad is NOT a precision guided weapon. It is a ballistic missile that the Iranians are attempting to make more accurate.

The Emad is an Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) with a range of just over 1500 miles. It has a payload of just under 4,000 pounds. It has nuclear warhead potential, as well as MIRV (multiple warhead) potential, in addition to being a primary testbed for improving the accuracy of Iran’s ballistic missiles.


Peace in our Time: The April Fool’s Accord–John Kerry’s “Finest Hour”?


It only seems so appropriate. John Kerry’s Iran nuclear negotiations have been extended to April Fool’s Day.

This latest in a series of extensions came after the Iranians once again played Kerry like a Stradivarius by hardening their position and threatening to deny Barack Obama and John Kerry their “Peace in Our Time” photo op.

So after years of one-sided “negotiations,” the crack Obama-Kerry negotiation braintrust grants yet another extension to the world’s foremost state sponsor of Jihadist terrorism over its already designated illegal nuclear program. (That point is important, namely that Iran is enriching uranium in violation of international law and is out of compliance with international nuclear protocols.)

Cartoonist Gary Varvel: John Kerry as Neville Chamberlain

This latest development shows what a dangerous clown show these negotiations are. Time is on the Iranians’ side. They have been playing this game at the negotiating table for years now. Even the French recognize this.

Obama eased sanctions on Iran and what have we received in return? Not a damn thing.

Obama and Kerry seem desperate to talk for the sake of holding talks, as if that accomplishes something. It only accomplishes something for the Iranians. They have benefited materially from these talks.


There is an old saying that goes something like this: “If they’re talking to you, they aren’t shooting at you.”

That saying isn’t true at all of course.

Just as the Japanese used talks as cover for their planned sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, the Iranians are using talks as cover for building The Bomb.


Allowing Iran to obtain nuclear weapons by any means is a catastrophe. In fact, it’s the biggest national security catastrophe of the post-Cold War world.

Future generations will ask, “How did they ever let it happen?”

The answer will come in the form of two historical villains:

Barack Obama and John Kerry.

Congress Stands Unified Against Obama’s Wrongheaded Iran Policy

Members of the US House of Representatives and US Senate sent letters to President Obama detailing principles for any deal with Iran over its nuclear program.

Essentially, the the letters amount to a rejection of Obama’s policy approach to Iran’s nuclear program as it stands now.

The letters are especially significant in that they are signed by an overwhelming bipartisan roster of Congressman and Senators.

In the House, 395 of the 435 members signed and in the Senate 83 members of  100 signed, including 41 Democrats.

Perhaps just as significant is who did NOT sign the letter. Rumored GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul refused to sign:

“…if one ever needed evidence that Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is the odd man out on foreign policy in his party and in the country at large, this is it. He did not sign the Senate letter nor did he sign onto the most recent sanctions legislation; he’s made clear previously he wants to give Obama room to negotiate. That is Hillary Clinton’s position, as well as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s. It is not “Reaganesque” any more than is his interest in a containment strategy. Reagan’s Cold War philosophy was: “We win, they lose.” Rand Paul’s philosophy seems to be: Obama’s got it handled. That puts him in sync with not a single 2016 GOP contender. On the most important national security issue of our time, he’s got it exactly wrong on the president and the mullahs.”

Paul stood with Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Tom Harkin, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Jay Rockefeller and Bernie Sanders in refusing to sign the letter.


Two Important Articles from Dr. Andrew Bostom

Few, if any, Americans have a more sober and complete understanding of Islamic doctrine, particularly Shariah and Jihad, than Dr. Andrew Bostom.

Two days ago, he penned two very important and educational articles on the threat from the Islamic Republic of Iran and the willful blindness and denial Westerners and Americans in particular have when it comes to that threat. It is just this willful blindness and denial that has allowed us to sit back and watch for 20+ years as Iran builds nuclear infrastructure and ballistic missiles, all while sponsoring Jihadist terrorism directed at us…

Everyone should read these two articles…




The Obama Perpetrated Iran Disaster Emerges

Well, the deed is all but done. The Obamanistas have gotten what they wanted all along: a false detente with the Ayatollahs.

John Kerry would have us believe that the Iranian nuclear program has been frozen by the “agreement” he “hammered” out with Iranian negotiators, but the subsequent remarks from Iranian leaders are very telling; they don’t appear to believe that they agreed to anything that truly curtails their nuclear ambitions.

Kerry is lying.

At BEST, this agreement seems to have set back the Iranian nuclear program all of 6 weeks. It is now inevitable that one day we will wake up and turn on the cable news shows and be treated to the news that Iran has nuclear weapons.

Make no mistake, Obama was NEVER committed to preventing the Iranians from becoming armed with nuclear weapons. To Obama’s world view, this is simply a balancing of world power. We have more nukes than anyone, so, what difference does it make that Iran has nukes? (Incidentally, this is essentially the same position that some Republicans, notably Rand Paul, have taken.)

Obama also has an underlying animosity toward Israel and no doubt sees Iran as a nuclear power in much the same light as Israel as a nuclear power.

Probably the most disappointing to liberals in the US who purported to support Israel, Hillary Clinton has gone along with the charade. To Hillary Clinton, everything is about political expedience and she sees it in her best political interests not to disagree with Obama on Iran.

In other words, there is no one in power in Washington who is truly concerned about Iran having the atomic bomb.

Leon Panetta may actually have believed it a few years ago when he said that the US would not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, but he was being lied to by his colleagues in the Obama administration who claimed to hold that view. No one in the Obama administration is talking like that now.

John Kerry would have us believe that we can just turn sanctions back on like a light switch if the Iranians don’t hold up their end of the faux bargain. This is perhaps the biggest lie.

Maybe the US can turn on sanctions again, but such unilateral sanctions will have little effect because the Chinese and the Russians are running full-speed into expanding their operations in the Iranian market now and our allies in Europe, Japan and South Korea are headed back in too. None of those countries, all of whom have closer economic ties to Iran than the US, is likely to turn sanctions back on any time soon. Nope, the genie is out of the bottle.

Meanwhile, the Iranians are up to their usual nefarious activities. They are playing chess and we still think the game is checkers.

A high ranking member of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps recently stated that Iran has IRGC and Hezbollah sleeper cells inside of America ready to strike targets:

I absolutely believe his claim to be true. There is no reason to doubt it.

President Rouhani took office last year amid wide speculation that he would finally be the long-lost “moderate” who would reach out lovingly to the West. This broken record is really getting tiresome. As if to ensure that the myth is once again disposed of properly, the Iranians have ramped up executions on his watch:

Meanwhile, Iran is using its oil wealth to exert its influence in America’s backyard. Through Hezbollah and activities emanating from Iran’s diplomatic facilities in the region, the Iranians are becoming involved in terrorism and criminal enterprises…

And as we have pointed out previously, the nuclear agreement with Iran doesn’t even mention the Iranians’ ballistic missile program:

Finally, amid all their nuclear ambitions, ballistic missile testing and sponsorship of terror, the US, thanks to the Obamanistas, is facilitating the Iranians’ access to long frozen financial resources. Money is the most fungible of all commodities. The Iranians might actually tell John Kerry and Barack Obama that this money won’t be spent on things like uranium enrichment, ballistic missiles and Hezbollah, but it makes no difference because it would definitely free up Iranian money elsewhere for such activity. We’ve known for decades that this is what the Ayatollahs do. That’s why this deal that John Kerry has perpetrated upon all of Western Civilization is criminal in its effect…





Turkish PM Erdogan Involved in Scandal to Undermine Sanctions on Iran

One of Turkey’s largest-ever corruption investigations is underway. A public bank CEO, an Iranian businessman and the sons of the freshly resigned interior and economy ministers are among the 24 suspects arrested so far, pending trial. The Iranian businessman allegedly circumvented sanctions against Iran and sent millions of dollars to the country via Halkbank by bribing the CEO as well as the ministers through their sons.


In a series of daily speeches after the operation began, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan blasted the probe and the investigators. He branded the probe a “dirty operation” and the policemen in charge a “gang.” He further said that a “trap” had been set up for Turkey, warning that they would “break the hands that set up the trap.”

Erdogan’s comments marked the onset of actual interventions in the probe. The chiefs of the Istanbul police’s financial crimes and organized crime departments, who handled the investigation, were removed from office in a snap. In a second wave, all department chiefs at the Istanbul police and some 100 others across Turkey were dismissed.


The Iranians Walk

The Washington Free Beacon is reporting something that the so-called “mainstream” media has chosen to ignore, namely that the Iranians have pulled out of nuclear talks with the P5+1 nations after the US further tightened sanctions on the Islamic Republic, as had been planned for some time.

It will be interesting to say the least to see if the Obama administration “blinks” in order to get the Iranians back to the negotiating table. Up to this point the Iranians have played the Obama administration like a fiddle in the negotiations. Other nations, most notably Red China and Russia, are already moving to ease sanctions on Iran based on the prior announcement of a deal with the Iranians, in return for which the Ayatollahs essentially gave up nothing of note.

It is also very important to note that the $7 billion figure for sanctions relief being thrown around is just the tip of a politico-economic iceberg. Opening up Iran’s oil and gas exports will produce a bonanza many times that figure for the Ayatollahs. Anyone who says any different is either lying or ignorant.

Iranians Pull Out of Nuke Talks

Iranian negotiators abruptly ended nuclear talks with Western powers in Vienna on Friday just a day after the Obama administration announced tighter sanctions on Tehran.

Iran had threatened that new or tighter sanctions would nullify the recently reached Geneva interim deal, which is not yet in effect.


However, Carney said that the administration continues to oppose new sanctions.

“Let’s be clear also that we continue to oppose passage of new nuclear-related sanctions,” Carney said.


Oh the Irony: Will Obama Help the Ayatollahs Pick Cotton???


The Obama administration has opened the door for the lifting of economic sanctions on Iran.

This will aid the genocidal, Jihadist regime in Tehran in many ways. Money is the most fungible of commodities. Money brought it for one, perhaps benign, purpose, can free up other money for malevolent purposes, such as sponsoring terrorism or sending weaponry to the Taliban

Iran has a significant agriculture sector, including cotton farming. Not only does Iran trade in textiles, but it takes textiles to clothe an army, something most observers overlook when examining various forms of economic sanctions…

Iran forecasts 200,000 tons of unrefined cotton harvest

Report: Iran Launches Lead Boat of New Submarine Class

Iran has launched a new class of indigenous submarine, according to a Tuesday report inJane’s Defence Weekly.

One of the suspected Fateh-class of indigenously built submarines was spotted in the water near the Bostanu Shipyard near the Strait of Hormuz on Oct. 27, according to the report.

A second submarine appears to be under construction at the Bandar Anzali Naval Base on the Caspian Sea as of Sept. 27.

The construction of the 500-ton submarine demonstrates an improvement in Iran’s ability to produce military hardware despite the ongoing sanctions on the country. (Emphasis added)

Now that sanctions are being eased thanks to Obama and Kerry, the Iranians will have both more money to build military hardware and access to foreign goods and services.
