More on Iran’s Radar System in Syria and Iranian Efforts to Defend Against Possible Israeli Air Attack

The good folks over at In From the Cold blog have a good post about Iran’s recently revealed radar system installation in Syria. They also talk about other measures the Iranians are taking to defend against a possible Israeli air strike.

It is our belief that, should Israel use force against Iran’s nuclear program, it won’t be able to take the whole program out with air strikes alone–unless the Israelis have incredibly good intelligence and can pinpoint all those installations which are vital to the Iranian effort–and then take them out.

An Israeli effort to take out Iran’s nuclear program would more likely require a combination of fixed wing aircraft and cruise and ballistic missiles. Sabotage might also be needed. With the West pussyfooting around for years, Iran has has so much time to disperse, hide, defend and harden their nuclear installations, that no one should expect another Osirak…In fact, here is an article we wrote on that subject 5 years ago:

Some things have changed since then, but the challenge for Israel is still extremely daunting.

The only world power with the capability to take out Iran’s nuclear program with air strikes alone is of course the United States. But we all know that this simply will not happen under the Obama presidency.

So it may in fact be left up to the Israelis to carry out such an operation. It will be highly risky in terms of casualties and it will also have a small margin for error…

Here is the link to the informative analysis at In From The Cold:

Iran installs radars in Syria as defense against Israel

Iran has sent Syria a sophisticated radar system that could threaten Israel’s ability to launch a surprise attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities, say Israeli and U.S. officials, extending an alliance aimed at undermining Israel’s military dominance in the region.

The radar could bolster Syria’s defenses by providing early warning of Israeli air-force sorties. It could also benefit Hezbollah, the Iran-backed militant group based in Lebanon and widely believed to receive arms from Syria.