Iran To Send Warships Near US Territorial Waters

Fresh on the heels of Iranian President Ahmadinejad visiting New York City for his annual United Nations/Columbia University junket, Iran says it could soon send a different set of visitors.

This time, the commander of Iran’s navy says he wants to send some of his warships on a deployment near US waters.

Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari (Looks to us like he needs a shave.)

Sayyari’s comments were echoed by the commander of the separate Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy, Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, who specified the Gulf of Mexico as the place where the Iranian Navy might deploy. Fadavi’s words came in response to a truly moronic US request to establish a “hotline” similar to the one linking Washington and Moscow to prevent any confrontation between US and Iranian forces from escalating. Who ever it was on our side who came up with that scheme should be keel-hauled.

Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi (At least this guy can grow a real beard.)

In order to deploy to the Gulf of Mexico, the Iranians would require logistical support, which would no doubt be provided by Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela.

Here are the reports from Iranian media:


JFK Airport Terror Plotter Linked to Iran

Two suspects were convicted in Manhattan for a terrorism conspiracy that revealed ties to Iran and Venezuela.

According to the trial evidence, the plot members attempted to enlist support for the plot from prominent international terrorist groups and leaders, as well as the government of Iran, including Abu Bakr, leader of the Trinidadian militant group Jamaat Al Muslimeen, and Adnan El Shukrijumah, an al-Qaeda leader.

In February 2007, Russell Defreitas recruited Abdul Kadir to join the plot because Kadir, a former member of the Guyanese parliament, was an engineer and had connections with militant groups in Iran and Venezuela. During cross-examination at trial, Kadir admitted that he regularly passed information to Iranian authorities and believed himself bound to follow fatwas from Iranian religious leaders

Defreitas was arrested in New York on June 2, 2007. Kadir was arrested in Trinidad aboard a plane headed to Venezuela, en route to Iran.